Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Prepare me

          As I sit here on a Sunday afternoon, on my laptop, with my DD's watching TV and using the desktop, I hear a song playing...............Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary, pure and holy, tried and true. And with thanksgiving, I'll be a living, sanctuary, for you...........  The words keep rolling over and over in my head.
           Some of you who know me know that I love singing, whether it be secular songs or Christian, you will always hear me singing. Songs have brought me through a lot of hard times. Some speak to me through the words. Some speak to me through the feelings I get when I sing them. Other just calm me down to be able to get things done.
           When I have a song that is rolling over and over in my head, I have a hard time zoning it out. I will hum the tune over and over or out right sing it when I can. This song I have sung it many times over the years of being a Christian both in church and in the community. This day however, the song is speaking to me in a way it never has before.
          I get the feeling that God is preparing me for something He wants to use me in my life. He is preparing me to serve Him in a way I never have this far. He has proven His love for us all though the trials in my life and that of my family. He is preparing me to show that very same love for others going through similar struggles.
          As I have stated in the past, book knowledge can only bring one so far in understanding what others may be going through. Where personal knowledge takes you even further in the understanding. You can really relate to what it is like to struggle with feelings and thoughts that may leave one baffled or unsure of what is really going on. I truly believe God has allowed hard times in my life to come forth so that I can reach out and touch others with His love for them.
          So keep that in mind as you go through something that you otherwise do not understand...........The Lord may be preparing you for something great. Trust in Him and accept what you may not understand as a way for you to be used by Him. To reach out to someone in the future.

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