Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Lesser of Two Evils

           The last two weeks my DD# 2 and I have had to face some difficult choices. We have had to have some tough discussions and some one on one time to process things. She has gone from her cheery, active self and then to tears and wanting to be held. It has all been building within my DD #2 and my hearts for the past nine months and we have not even gotten to the hardest part yet.
          How do you explain adult things to a child so that they can understand? It's not an easy thing to do at all. There are some adults that would have a hard time with some of the things my DD #2 is going through. How do you have a child make an adult decision when they do not understand what is going on? Make a choice that could potentially change her life now as well as her adult life?
            How do you choose the lesser of two evils. How can you choose whether your child will be bitten by this spider, or burned with the below flame or to be stung by the lower bee? All three will hurt and all three could change her life if it is bad enough. How do you choose which one to pick? How could you be sure that your child was not allergic to this type of spider or to the bee? Yes they would probably live through a burn by this flame but it would scar her for life. How can a caring, loving parent choose which injury they will allow their child to deal with.
         I am actually at a loss for words here. I have finally come to a stand still with this and not knowing what to say. I have finally hit a plateau in my knowledge about MI and how to deal with this new thing. We have forty eight hours to decide what we are going to do. My brain is wracked with so many things right now, it hurts. What if I go with the spider and she is allergic to it. What about the bee? Is there an allergy there as well? If I choose the flame, this would surely leave her with scars for life. Do I do the flame because I rest assured knowing she will not die from that? Will I hate myself if I choose the lesser of the evils and it turns out to be the worst choose of all and I loose my kid because of the choice I made? Man do I wish there was a magic wand that we as parents could wave over our children as they are sleeping. A wand that would make all of the trouble of today into the victories of yesterday. Many kids don't get to choose what is best for them. Things are chosen for them by adults.

                                                                          So for those of you who are reading this, please keep us in prayer in the next few weeks. Pray that God will be done regardless of what we end up choosing. He will keep us safe, willing and able to handle anything that the devil dishes out to us.

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